Often, I’m asked if I hear animals wherever I go. I usually laugh and say, you mean like Dr. Doolittle? No, I must be focused and there’s a process involved to fully listen to animals. Sure, I can spontaneously have a sense of communication from domestic animals or wildlife, but to be sure I am clearly hearing them, I must clear my mind.

With my eyes closed, reclining back in my office, I connect with your beloved companions. Your love for your animals, along with a desire to talk with them, is the avenue where I connect and listen. You are the energy channel opening the communication for me to offer your animals’ voices.

On a lovely spring day, while on a telephone session, I began to hear a persistent thumping sound in the background. Not sure where it was coming from, I pushed it out of my thoughts. Or, at least I thought I did. The odd sound continued. No longer able to ignore the distraction, I opened my eyes to determine where the sound was coming from. A grey squirrel outside my window was literally smack, smack, smacking the glass with his front paw. “Hey, you in there, we need more peanuts!”

With time to grab my camera, I captured this moment in time that amazed even me.

Sure, I’m the one who puts peanuts out in the yard, but this little guy knew to knock on the window of my office to demand a refill. That’s when the Dr. Doolittle movie (with Eddie Murphy) flashed in my head. Laughing, I explained to my client what the interruption was all about. I had to admit, it was a true Dr. Doolittle moment.

Every day I love the possibilities with animals. Even after 24 years as a professional animal communicator, I am always learning. Animals never cease to amaze me. Thank you animals for keeping life fun!